
Dissertations / MD Theses / PhD Theses

  1. D. Schweinoch (2024), In solico analysis of the early antiviral innate immune response and intracellular replication of Hepatitis C virus. PhD thesis, University Medicine Greifswald.
  2. N. Holzscheck (2023), Intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of skin aging in high-dimensional biological data analyzed using bioinformatic and machine-learning approaches, PhD thesis, University Medicine Greifswald.
  3. C. Zitzmann (2023), Mathematical Modeling of Plus-Strand RNA Virus Replication, PhD thesis, University MedicineGreifswald.
  4. D. Kleimeier (2022), Mathematical Modeling of the Tryptophan Metabolism During 1-Methyltryptophan Administration in Pigs in the Face of Infection, PhD thesis, University of Greifswald.
  5. A.-K. Becker (2021), Discovering Latent Structure in High-Dimensional Healthcare Data: Toward Improved Interpretability. PhD Thesis, University of Greifswald.
  6. J. K. Barry (2017), Mathematical Modeling of the HIV Lifecycle: Identifying optimal treatment strategies. PhD thesis, Medical Faculty, University of Greifswald.
  7. J. Campos Valenzuela (2017), Classification of Glioblastoma Multiforme Patients based on an integrative multi-layer finite mixture model system. PhD Thesis, Medical Faculty, TU Dresden.
  8. S. Amberkar (2014), Integrative bioinformatics analysis of genome-wide RNAi screens. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Biology, University of Heidelberg.
  9. N. Sulaimanov (2012), Mathematical Modeling of Hepatitis C Virus Replication, PhD Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Heidelberg
  10. G. Suryavanshi (2012), Mathematical model to uncover the role of receptor ubiquitination in dose dependent EGFR trafficking., PhD Thesis, Faculty of Biology, University of Heidelberg.
  11. J. Mazur (2012), Bayesian Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks: From Paramneter Estimation to Experimental Design., PhD Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Heidelberg.
  12. B. Knapp (2011), RNA Interference Data: From a Statistical Analysis to Network Inference. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Mathematica and Natural Sciences, University of Heidelberg

Diploma / Bachelor / Master Theses

  1. J.A. Roßmanith (2024), Eine Bioinformatik-Pipeline zur Analyse von Tumorsequenzierungsdaten. Bachelor Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  2. L.A. Trautmann (2024), The use of Segment Anything for analyzing the Sinus paranasales. Bachelor Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  3. J. Schlimme (2021), Score-basiertes Lernen einer Markov-Decke am Beispiel der Identifizierung von Biomarkern der Fettleber. Bachelor Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  4. D. Ovtchinnikov (2021), Ein Ansatz für maschinelles Lernen zur Vorhersage von Krebsarten anhand von Mutationssignaturen. Master Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  5. H. Dunkel (2020), Untersuchung von Komorbiditäten mit neuronalen Netzen, Master Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  6. J. Oldenburg (2019), Optimierung eines künstlichen neuronalen Netzes zur Vorhersage einer nichtalkoholischen Fettleber mit Hilfe von KEGG-Pathways, Master Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  7. E. Brammen (2019), Integration von KEGG Daten in neuronale Netze zur Identifikation relevanter KEGG Pathways für die Blutdruckvorhersage, Master Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  8. D. Ovtchinnikov (2019), Gehirngewebeklassifikation mithilfe von maschinellem Lernen und intraoperativer Infrarotspektroskopie, Bachelor Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  9. A. Wilsdorf (2019), Anwendung Bayes’scher Netze zur Identifikation von Risikofaktoren in epidemiologischen Studien, Master thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  10. A. Haack (2018), Vergleich von bioinformatischen Methoden zur Vorhersage von B-Zell-Epitopen am Beispiel von Staphylococcus Aureus-Proteinen, Bachelor Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  11. A.-M. Schuknecht (2018), Anwendung maschineller Lernverfahren zur Diagnostik der Parodontitis mit Mulit-OMICs-Daten, Bachelor Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  12. M.-C. Cwikla (2018), Classification of Thyroid dysfunction using Multinomial Probit Bayesian Additive Regression Trees, Bachelor Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  13. C. Bruckmann (2017), Eine Analyse von Genexpressionsdaten mittels maschinellen Lernens zur Untersuchung der Krankheit Fettleber unter Ausschluss von alkoholbedingten Ursachen. Bachelor Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  14. R. Wagner (2017), Multilevel weightes support vector machine for high dimensional data sets, Bachelor Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  15. A. Weihs (2017), Automated recognition of inherited platelet disorders from digital pictures of blood smears, Bachelor Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  16. P. Bachmann (2017), Lipidom-Daten als Biomarker für Alzheimer, Multiple Sklerose und leichte kognitive Beeinträchtigung, Bachelor Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  17. J. Harnisch (2015), Multi-scale model for hepatitis C viral load kinetics under treatment with direct acting antivirals, Master Thesis, Biomathematics, University of Greifswald.
  18. L. Heinrich (2013), Kopplung des Replikationsmodells des Hepatitis-C-Virus mit der Immunantwort. Diploma Thesis (FH), Hochschule Zittau-Görlitz.
  19. S. Neumann (2013), Modeling of EGFR trafficking. Diploma Thesis, University of Heidelberg.
  20. C. Gallo-Lopez (2012), Mathematical Model of Ligand-Dose-Dependent Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Trafficking and Signaling. Master Thesis, University of Evry-Val-d’Essonne.
  21. S. Faassen (2012), Image-processing pipeline for RNAi microscopy data. Diploma Thesis (FH).
  22. B. Yadav (2011), Modeling the IL-6 stimulated Jak/Stat pathway in Fibroblasts and Keratinocytes. Master thesis.
  23. D. Mugahid (2010), Predicting Cancer Survival from aCGH and Gene Expression Data. Master Thesis, Faculty of Biosciences, University of Heideleberg (with Prof. Dr. U. Kummer).
  24. T. Stumpf (2009), Considerations on Clustering RNAi high throughput screening data assuming a Gamma Distribution. Diploma Thesis, Biology, University of Heidelberg (with Prof. Dr. R. Eils).
  25. M. Böck (2008), Bayesian learning of Boolean regulatory networks derived from expression data. Diploma Thesis, Bioinformatics, Technical University of Munich (with Prof. Dr. S. Kramer).
  26. D. Ritter (2008), Machine Network Learning – Bayesian Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks with Differential Equations using Stochastic Simulation. Master Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Heidelberg (with Prof. Dr. G. Reinelt).
  27. N. Rieber (2008), An automated pipeline for the statistical analysis of high-throughput RNAi screens. Master Thesis, Faculty of Biosciences, University of Heidelberg (with Prof. Dr. R. Eils).
  28. B. Heinzel (2008), Ein Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo Ansatz zur Klassifikation und Überlebenszeitvorhersage von Krebspatienten auf Basis von Genexpressionsdaten. Diplomarbeit, FB Bioinformatik, Fachhochschule Weihenstephan (with Prof. Haubold and Prof. Lesske).
  29. G. Klingbeil (2007), Inference of Biochemical Networks using a Hybrid Approach. Thesis, CUBIC Graduate Course in Bioinformatics, University of Cologne.
  30. C. Giesselbach (2005), Ein Färbungsproblem in partitionierten Graphen. Diplomarbeit, Mathematisches Institut, Universität zu Köln (with Prof. Dr. R. Schrader).
  31. M. Endriga (2004), Analysis of Complex Genetic Traits. Thesis, CUBIC Graduate Course in Bioinformatics, University of Cologne.
  32. C. Kolarik (2004), Development of Clustering Software for SNP Genotyping Data Analysis. Thesis, CUBIC Graduate Course in Bioinformatics, University of Cologne.
  33. T.-C. Deng (2004), Development of Clustering Software for SNP Genotyping Data Analysis. Comparison of two clustering methods. Thesis, CUBIC Graduate Course in Bioinformatics, University of Cologne.
  34. M. Leber (2003), Design of a Fractional Programming Algorithm for DNA Melting Temperature Determination. Thesis, CUBIC Graduate Course in Bioinformatics, University of Cologne.
  35. V. Singh (2003), Probeprep: A Graphical User Interface for the Software for Microarray Probe Design. Thesis, CUBIC Graduate Course in Bioinformatics, University of Cologne.
  36. A. Gösling (2003), MPCR-Primer. Ein Programm zum selektiven Primer-Design für Multiplex-Polymerase-Kettenreaktionen. Thesis, CUBIC Graduate Course in Bioinformatics, University of Cologne.